ScottG wrote:
Just keep in mind the gauntlet is a pretty useless indicator. Rarely do sane people run full throttle over mountains. And that is no indicator or overall towing ability.
The 6.4 has tons of torque available during normal use and will out perform smaller engines regardless of idiotic stunts. It's this abundance of torque that makes towing enjoyable.
Just because you don't like the results, does not make it useless. I think it is certainly an indicator of towing ability. They towed 12.5K up a big hill at high elevation. I would say that the results of this hill run is certainly an indicator of what someone could expect as far as performance for from both pickups. You can argue that the time difference between 1st and 2nd doesn't matter to you, but it certainly provides some idea how a truck can be expected to perform. I am not sure what makes this hill run an idiotic stunt? It showed in this example (certainly not in all conditions perhaps) that the smaller motor out performed a larger one. They put it in gear and hit the accelerator and let the pickup do the rest (for better or for worse). I don't see an issue with that.