Forum Discussion

GONZOZZZZ's avatar
Jul 29, 2014

Indoor Safe spray on interior coating

Planning stages of a "all go ,no show " hybrid and would like a rhino like interior.Is it too rigid ? pcb's ? Might even take it to the outside in a more relective smooth fashion. Your ideas , anyone seen this? Thanks Gonzo.
  • Rounded edges,seamless flow. Those are some requirements for the interior. An interior that can be washed or hosed down to a main drain.A liveable shower stall material with safe (pcb free) material. Thanks for the ideas.Keep brainstoming.
  • Welcome to the forum.
    I've never heard of a Rhino type spray on the interior. Did you check the manufacturers website?

    What would the advantage be by spraying the interior? Why not just sheet metal, fiberglass or something similar?

    It sounds like you're building a military/survivalist/doomsday RV.

    Sorry I wasn't more help. Please, keep us updated and good luck on your progress. It sounds kind of cool.