Forum Discussion

Cummins07's avatar
Mar 02, 2015

Infants and truck campers

Its just about time for us to start camping again for the year, now we have a 3 month old little camper with us. Just wondering if any of you have experience camping with babies in your TC and what kind of sleeping arrangements worked best for the little one? thanks
  • We lived in Alaska when my youngest was born. I invested in a tent with a higher ceiling and a rocking lawn chair :-)
  • anutami wrote:
    My bro's Pack n play Works great on the dinette in his Lance.

    Oh Yaaah....Snoozesnoozesnooze.

    WHAT? You guys wanna EAT at this Dinette???:B

    You want to Wake me up..go ahead, Make My Day!!!

    Meet my Little Friend!!! Namely, my vocal chords!!

  • My bro's Pack n play Works great on the dinette in his Lance.
  • Cummins07 wrote:
    Its just about time for us to start camping again for the year, now we have a 3 month old little camper with us. Just wondering if any of you have experience camping with babies in your TC and what kind of sleeping arrangements worked best for the little one? thanks

    We started camping in a TT when our oldest was two weeks old. He is now in Marine Corps Boot Camp. Sometimes he would be with us, later with the other kids, we would place them on the dinette, and wedge them in with pillows or blankets. Whe I was a kid, my dad rebuilt an old 1960 TC and had it on an old 58 Apache PU. He built a little crib type bed at the foot of the E-W cabover for my little sister, since my little brother and I were sharing the dinette. It worked until my sister outgrew it, and my mom got pregnant with number 4. Then dad found a TT to give us more room.
    Hope this helps!
  • Wow, you bring back memories. About 40 years ago my young son was going to Cub Scout Camp, and we wanted to join him, but we had a less than year old infant. We borrowed a neighbor's Cabover and drove the 20 miles to the camp and stayed for a wonderful weekend. We purchased our first RV, a Class C, for our summer vacation that year, and we've been RV vacationing ever since.
    Happy Trails.
  • Ah, congrats to you & your family!

    At the end of the day, the TC sleeping situation will depend heavily upon the at home sleeping situation... In our case, we are 'co-sleepers'- the kiddo is either between DW & I, or on the slide of DW. This works great in the TC too since we also sleep on a queen @ home. One thing that helps a ton is building a small kid spot with open cell foam between the cabinets in the cabover. The little one is pretty contained- no chance of rolling away.

    If co-sleeping isn't for you and your partner, we also use a bed rail on the dinette bed for older brother. Works great & relatively cheap. Think we got it for $10 at a garage sale.

    These little buggers are a kick and are even more fun @ camp. My son had his first camp trip at 3 weeks of age; his sister had to wait a bit longer, six months.
