Mine has the coils on the back. I provided the required clearance on the sides and top then sealed the outside plastic vent cover along with insulation in the roof vent. It's treated as if in a house in between cabinets. My Whirlpool manual shows the hinge side requiring 3.x inches IF up against a wall so the door can open but other than that they say 1/2 an inch on top and sides. It is one of the models which allow a smaller clearance and this is as naturist said because of coil on the back. BUT if the sides are insulated I would surely leave the outside vent grill and roof vent open. You are then treating it more like a propane set up and drafting up the chase.
One could argue that in an resi situation the counter top provides deep "notch" area that helps cooling. With that in mind and being nervous about doing this i installed a 4 inch computer fan at the top of my side wall up above my upper cabinets with a switch. I haven't used it after checking compressor temps. If I was in extra hot conditions with full sun on that side of the rig I would probably run it. It pulls air out at the top and into living area.
THIS model for example requires 2" of clearance and is one of the reasons I went with the whirly. Not pushing W, just my decision. Like a lot of our modifications we make some may install these things with less clearance etc and they may work just fine. If so, all is good.
Eternabond tape grill vent