Apr 11, 2018Explorer
I will be purchasing an Imagine Grand Design 2018 RB2600. The insulation is listed as, Floor R-30, Roof R-40 but the walls are listed as R-7. I was wondering if this is sufficient insulation for the t...
Ralph Cramden wrote:TurnThePage wrote:
The Imagine line uses that "radiant foil" insulation to get those big numbers in the floor and ceiling. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know exactly how the system works, but I'm comfortably sure you're not actually getting R40 insulation value.
Correct answer. The only places an R30 or
R40 rating is obtainable is in those glossy brochures, manufacturers websites, or on Fantasy Island or the label on the reflective barrier they use. Even if the radiant foil actually worked as advertised, or they increased the roof height and floor thickness to get 11" of uncompressed batt insul in, if you were to disassemble your trailer piece by piece you would find the installation looks like it was done by a pre school class.