Forum Discussion

joeshmoe's avatar
Oct 04, 2016

Interested in a Bigfoot

So the wife is sick of the wet bath and the U-dinette
(I don't blame her). We're looking at a 2007 Bigfoot 10.6. What do I need to know? Weight is 3050. I assume that's dry.

Is my '05 F350 SRW up for the job? The GVWR is 11,400. Cargo cap. is just under 4K. Rear axle rating is 7K. Current tire/wheel combo is factory 18" wheels with tires @3640 lbs. My main concern is center of gravity. This camper has a huge overhang. Presumably, a lot of weight seems to be located behind the axle. I realize we'll likely be right at or slightly over weight once loaded down.

Beyond the weight considerations, what else do I need be on the look out for? Anything specific to this model or year? I know Bigfoots are well made, but appliances can be a problem. Never have actually inspected a used camper. Not 100% sure what I'm looking for specific to this unit.
  • The Bigfoot Brochure lists this model as Base wt 2600. the plate on the rear is NOT accurate , look in the closet there is a list of weights of options installed as shipped ,this will be close to the actual dry wt.

    ps your truck lists as having a max payload of 4100 lbs , sounds do able, and I have seen and talked of other 2500 series BF owners who had srw 3500 trucks and said they were comfortable with their set up .
  • That camper is too much for your truck. By the time you are loaded and on the road you will be really pushing the limits, you really need a dually. I remember my dad doing something similar, crossing the prairies that truck was all over the road and Going To The Sun road in Glacier NP was a white knuckle drive.
  • Check all of the caulking on every opening in the roof including vent pipes and around all windows, storage and access doors. Look for any discoloration on the walls and ceiling including behind and under the cushionand inside cabinets. Overall Bigfoot campers are well made and durable but caulking can deteriorate over time and cause leaks. See if the seller will let you run the jacks up and down and listen for any unusual noise or not working.
  • climb up to roof look around bath skylite flange for evidence of lifting /separation of sky lite and fiberglass roof also look for discoloration of the ozite ceiling fabric.