805gregg wrote:
You forgot the Torquelift con of blocking the fuel door
Well there is that-though even when I started with the T/L turn buckle and chain never saw as a con-as the front mount wasnt continuing to crush our bed-the better angle of tiedown. An appreciated trade off.
But in fairness as to comparative pros & cons yes, if compiling a list there is that consideration, when getting fuel 1 added step on the frame mount. And to add to the con of frame mount system ( or pro of bed mount) theres is the added weight of the frame mount system. It will still be decision of OP weighing which pros which cons matter. Both systems work.
I am curious about the thru the floor mounting. Ive hear it mentioned in the past on older small campers back in the day. I was unaware that this was still done. Wouldnt the camper need to be designed for that? Are any current campers mfg recommending or allowing for bolting thru the camper floor and truck bed? Certainly wouldnt move but..I just see some huge leverage forces-maybe on short camper or a full box. Kinda drifting here