Forum Discussion

CarpFishermanAn's avatar
Apr 22, 2014

Introducing Dogs To TT

I am sorta worried about our first trip with our 2 dogs: 2-year-old German Shepherd sisters. One is fine, the other is a chewer & I worry if we are out during the day away from the TT what might happen. They are crate-trained & I have thought about bringing 1 crate for this reason. They do have plenty of chew toys/bones but this has not stopped the one in the past from chewing on a baseboards & even the loose piece of fabric (that gets tight when you recline it) on the back of a recliner when left alone not in their crates. They generally do not bark unless they hear noises & I worry about this too. We are just weekend campers. Suggestions?
  • Lets see, they do bark if they hear something. Your gone for hours and hours, the dogs bark, my camp site is less then 20 feet from a barking dog. Please please either take them with you and never leave them in the trailer by themselves, or leave them at home in a kennel. " Oh I can hear the crowd now, my dog never barks long. Yep they do.
  • X2 on the crates.

    I strongly suggest that you do some driveway camping with them 'before' you head out. They need to know that this new building you call an RV is going to fun. And not some strange place you are going to throw them in and leave. Bring them out and actually sleep in it with them at night. The next day leave them and go outside for a bit, talking to them so they know you are near. And then expand that time little by little.

    This will also let you know at 'home' whether they are going to be barkers when you leave the TT. And you can correct that in the confines of your driveway not the CG.

    Trust me the extra time taken at home in the driveway acclimating your pets to the RV will be well WORTH the effort when you get to your first CG. If only every one did that it.
  • Strong believer in crate training for everyone's safety and sanity. It's security for the dogs and if they're stressed by their new adventure with the TT, you can bet the chewer will really have at it.

    Several years ago at Petit Jean SP in AR, some folks across from us left for the day and left their small dog and a cat alone in the TT. The poor dog freaked ALL DAY and barked and jumped at the windows leaving the blinds totally shredded. Being huge dog-people, we could live with the barking easier than feeling so badly for the pets. It was dark when the owners got home and we didn't hear or see anything, but I'd bet they weren't happy.

    Strongly suggest if it's possible to just spend some time for a few evenings with the dogs in the TT and maybe even Camp Driveway it will help. That said, I would definitely take the crate - or both of them - and maybe even ask for vet for a tranquilizer to help with the stress of you being gone.

    Good luck with this and hope it is a great weekend for all. Extra tummy rubs to the pups.
  • If they're both crate trained, bring whatever they use at home. They'll feel at home in their crates and this will help to alleve any anxiety issues they may have. Not to mention save the interior of your TT!
  • DutchmenSport wrote:
    Use the crate. It will save your furniture! If you must leave them in the camper and you must be away, also turn on the television and the air-conditioner. It will help drown out any outside noise. If they can't hear it, they won't bark at it!

    Great ideas! Thanks!
  • 2oldman wrote:
    You may want to post in RV pet stop.

    Thank you. I didn't even know there was a thread. :)
  • Use the crate. It will save your furniture! If you must leave them in the camper and you must be away, also turn on the television and the air-conditioner. It will help drown out any outside noise. If they can't hear it, they won't bark at it!

    You should also test the waters in your own drive way, if you are able. Sleep in the camper with the dogs to get them acclimated to the new "house".