Good info. Not sure I understand the 60percent duty cycle ???
My truck altenator is 220 amp output ,,, being a deisel it has 2 batteries,
one of which is auxilary battery ,, as long as the altenator keeps both batteries fully charged can yas see any electrical hazards with connecting this. I plan to run 2/0 welding cable/battery cable from truck charging system back to the inverter in toolbox.
I do understand # 10 wire extension cord for the load and distance back to the TT. 43ft 5th wheel toyhauler.
Be sure the feed to the inverter is fused at 70 or 80 amp to protect the inverter. I would run the shore cord from the TT up into the truck bed and plug into the inverter, or use a #10 ext cord if needed to reach. Since you ave enough capacity on both truck alternator and inverter, why not plug in the whole TT and keep it's battery topped off too?
You mention long trips out west etc., what about stopovers? If you do any boondocking or walmart stops wouldn't you ant the fridge to still run?
I recall somebody on here did the math a while back and it's actually cheaper to run the fridge on propane going down the road vs. the additional fuel used from heavier load on the alternator from an inverter. May not apply to you because of the dual alternator and diesel setup.