SlothHorn wrote:
FWIW, we have personal reasons for wanting a longer termed loan. None of it has to do with affordability, cash flow, bad credit, lack of a down payment, etc... The idea was to time the loan so that it'd be paid off right around the time our mortgage is paid + the time frame at which our youngest would be heading off on his own.
Looks like we'll need to readjust our thinking. Thanks for all the help.
My DD is in college right now, House is paid off going on 15 yrs ago, last vehicle I had a loan on was back in 2013, my RV never had a loan, it was a old well used 20 yr old one when I bought it.
Not really sure why anyone would want to intentionally stretch out a loan on any non-appreciating asset in order to have the payoff happen when the mortgage is done and you have one offspring heading to college.
You can buy and payoff the RV quickly then the money in interest you would be handing over to the bank can now be stock piled for the college.
Or you could apply the savings in interest towards paying off your mortgage ahead of schedule.. Then you have even more money to stockpile for the college..
I never found much tax advantage to keeping a mortgage, instead I found extra money that I didn't hand over to the bank when I paid it off early..
Each time I ditched a loan or credit I just kept adding more money to my stockpile at a faster rate.. After a while it starts stacking pretty fast when done correctly.
There is no laws that state one must always carry a loan and loan interest is money that you cannot use but the banker uses to pay for their lavish lifestyles.. I have never run across a poor banker.. Folks are more than willing to hand them gobs of money.