Forum Discussion

Fishwater's avatar
Jun 19, 2018

Is my TT too big for long trips?

We are at a crossroads with our current travel trailer. It’s a 2017 Flagstaff 831 BHDS measuring 34’9” total length & a dry weight of 7195, GVWR 8761. The tow vehicle is a 2015 F-350 with a 6.7 diesel & 3100lbs of payload. I purchased a tongue scale & weighed my tongue weight at 1200lbs, removing some useless. Items from the front & only storage area I got tongue weight down to 1125, I have 1200 lbs round bars on the hitch. The family is myself, wife & two girls ages 8 & 9, pick up bed typically has three bikes, some firewood, bbq & cooler.

I’ve struggled this season fighting sway with my 10year old Reese Strait Line DC hitch, I’ve had this hitch on my previous 33’ Passport for 4 years & never had sway. Once we purchased this camper I realized I needed to step up tow vehicles from my Dodge Ram to a 2003 F-350 with a 6.0 diesel. At that point I started to notice sway with the new camper but the 1 ton suspension handled the trailer better than ever. I picked up the new 2015 F-350 at the end of the season so this is the first year with the new truck pulling this camper. I’m struggling getting this camper to pull without sway with the new truck, especially getting the ball height right as well as tilt. I’m thinking the round bar set up is getting tired & worn, slop in the receiver hitch etc giving me fits.

So typically I tow about 2500 miles a year in the season. Typical weekend trips averaging about an hour or two at most each way. We pulled to Burlington VT in the beginning of the season this year which was about 190 miles each way & the camper fought me the entire way. When we got home I spent some time in a vacant parking lot leveling the trailer but struggled to get the nose of the trailer perfectly level or perhaps pointed down a little but the next three trips were much better sway wise, still had some sway on a real windy day up the coast with about a constant 15mph wind but it was manageable. Now that the kids are growing we want to expand our camping area, particularly head to Niagra Falls which is about 9 hours from here.

So the crossroads is what do we do from here? I know I have plenty of tow vehicle, no worries from the weight police but do I just bite the bullet & buy a fifth wheel or replace my current hitch? We love our camper, love the floor plan, the quality, everything about it but the thought of towing for 9 hours battling the beast behind me is not at all appealing. I’m considering purchasing a new Reese strait line trunion bar set up since so many folks rave about them when set up properly & thinking with all the slop I currently have it would be an improvement. I’ve also considered purchasing a Hensley which currently see one on Craigslist but the seller knows nothing about it & neither do I so purchasing used is a gamble plus they look like an absolute PITA to deal with.

So after writing this novel I’m at the crossroads of buy a fifth wheel or buy/upgrade my hitch. Is a 35’, 8800lbs bumper pull too much for the long distance tows? I mostly see folks on this site & others pulling smaller bumper pulls or fifth wheels when talking about towing all over the country, not 35’ double slide campers like ours.
  • You and a buddy might do some measurements to be sure the axles are mounted straight. Its possible your fighting a mis aligned trailer.
  • A 1 ton is certainly a nice upgrade but you are still in 1/2 ton territory as far as the trailer you are pulling (properly spec'd 1/2 ton of course).

    If you are having sway issues, don't take weight off the tongue. 5th wheels are so stable because they have high tongue weights (percentage wise).

    I would suggest putting the weight back up front and then go on the hitch manufactures website and pull the directions for setting up/troubleshooting the hitch.
  • Removing tongue weight is counter productive to stopping a trailer swaying. You need to add tongue weight. Move stuff in the back forward of the axles. Don't load water if the water tank is aft of the axles. etc.
  • I traded in a 34' travel trailer this Spring and bought a 5th wheel for the first time. My travel trailer was towed with a Chevy 2500HD gasser with a Propride hitch. It did fine. The Propride hitch did its job. No sway but it could be a real pain to get it hitched and unhitched when not on perfectly level ground. I now tow a 34' 5th wheel with a Ram 3500. Over the past few years I read where a lot of people would say the Propride and Hensley products made the towing experience similar to that of a 5th wheel. Well It's not even close. It's much better than with older hitches but it's not anything like towing a 5th wheel. I used to call BS when people would brag about towing with their truck and 5th wheel and say "I don't even know it's behind me". Now I eat crow because they weren't bragging. They were just telling it like it is. If I were you and I know it's me spending your money, I'd upgrade to a 5th wheel. At the very least, get a Propride or Hensley hitch and get rid of that sway. Your family is much more important than any amount of money!
  • Your trailer is not too long.

    I tow a 37ft TT with my Ram 2500 CTD. With Blue Ox Sway Pro setup, I feel some push with trucks going by sometimes, but it's a gentle push, and moves truck and trailer slightly as one.... no sway. And not all the time, just once in a while.

    I think it's something in your hitch, or your setup. I'd invest in a new hitch before I changed trailers. Especially if you like the one you have. Hear lots of good things about Hensley Arrow and ProPride.

    I have no regrets with my Blue Ox, and it's a lot cheaper than Hensley or ProPride. But, if I wanted total elimination of any movement/stability then I'd go with one of the others.


  • My trailer is longer and heavier and I tow in 25-30 mph gusting winds pretty regular and I have a 30 year old hitch. Now I'm not saying there aren't trailers that would be less fatiguing over long distance (like a 5th wheel), but it doesn't stop me from going wherever I want to go. Never driven more than 14 hours in one day. That was pushing it for me but I did cover some distance. I wouldn't want to do it 5 days in a row to cross the country.
  • Removing tongue weight is not the best idea....the heavier the TT is up front the more stable it should tow. The Reese is a good hitch, but what I have seen is that the design of some trailers makes them very difficult to balance so they will tow steady. Or if you can get them balanced they are easily upset by crosswinds and other road events.

    Honestly I would look into getting a getting a Hensley Arrow or ProPride hitch. We bought ours in 2002 when we had the 35' bunkhouse and still use it with our 32'. The design of these hitches is different but no more of a PITA than any other WD hitch. Right now the TT weighs between 8500-9000 lbs depending on what we pack, whether water is full, etc. The truck has plenty of power and the sweet spot for cruising is between 65-70 mph on the interstate. There is NO sway, not even a little instability.

    The Hensley and ProPride hitches will make your TT tow like a 5er. If you have an opportunity to buy one used why not try it? There are plenty of folks on the forum to lean on for info. Worst case you hate the hitch, then you can trade the TT in for a 5er.

    Speaking of Burlington, we'll be up there last weekend in July for the Tumble Down festival, staying at Mallets Bay.
  • I pull a 38 overall length, travel trailer.
    PU is a F350 SRW with a long bed.
    The 18 wheelers give me a minor push around.
    Sometimes, I feel nothing.
    Easy to counter act the forces and enjoy the ride.
    I've pulled the trailer in all 48 states.
    Maybe, your hitch needs a litle adjustment.
    Have you considered Hensley or the Pro...(something)?
    Alot less than changing trailers.