p220sigman wrote:
Levy is across the state from Jacksonville, in the Big Bend area on the Gulf coast. But trucks outfitted as described are definitely not exclusive to Levy though. As a side note, I saw a truck on the ride home yesterday that had a similar set-up as my friend's son, only the tires were pushed out so far, only about 2" of tire/wheel was actually under the fender. I don't know how much offset the wheels had, but it looked like there was about 10" - 12" of rim between the hub and the wheel edge. This was on a Chevy 2500, but judging by the overall look, I don't think it does much work and I'm fairly certain it didn't have E rated tires. Oh well, to each his own.
Does it require a placard at the back like those hauling mobile home saying "Warning Wide Load",? lol