Vinsil, I wish you many happy years of trailering. My profile states, "We hate money and boat trailers." The money thing is easy -- never enough and when you get some it's gone in the blink of an eye. The boat trailer reference is from owning one and towing back and forth to the ocean twice a month. I now live in a land devoid of big water so no more boat and trailer.
BOY do I miss my boat!!! I lived on the water from birth until 4 years ago and it has been harder than I thought to give it all up to live in the desert. There are some things I will never miss though:
Lines at the ramp and the impatient people that frequent them.
Spending a day on the water rescuing someone else that wasn't prepared, even though it's the right thing to do.
Waiting for the right opportunity at the gas pump just to have some tiny car jump in front.
Having to climb back in the boat because you forgot something.
Being caught off the coast at night in the fog.
Looking in the rearview and seeing one of the trailer wheels in the "death wobble."
Mosquitos and green head horse flies
There's so much to celebrate when you're "in the zone" with your boat though:
Waking up to a gorgeous sunrise and walking out on deck with nobody around for miles.
Falling asleep fishing.
Running at night with the phosphorescence lighting up your wake.
Shouting at the whales because they are messing up the fishing.
Watching a nuclear sub surface nearby.
The list is endless. I envy you!!! At least I have my Wolf Creek to assuage my yearnings.
There is a ton of experts online that purport to be experts on all of creation, so my motto is trust but verify all things boat related. My dad used to tell me that when on the water nature rarely forgives a mistake, two mistakes usually results in a life or death crisis and the third mistake is game over.
I really like the rig you have put together -- it's very different from what we would have had back east. A couple of questions: Is that an EZ Loader trailer? What tires are you running on it? Do you run in salt? Have you got stainless brakes or have you contemplated Kodiaks? Do you strap the bow eye straight down to the trailer?
If this is putting the thread too far into the boating world please feel free to PM me about this stuff. That way I can live vicariously through you. I enclose a pic of my lost love. (Sniff)