Cummins12V98 wrote:
Big oil only makes a few cents per gallon. As mentioned GUVMENT takes in WAYYYYY more.
If oil productions numbers posted are right, and oil company profit reports are right, this means oil companies are making more while producing less. So must be making a few more cents per gallon. That pretty much goes against the rules of free market capitatim.
time2roll wrote:
JRscooby wrote:
ferndaleflyer wrote:
Gas at $5.00 should spark some interest
Congress could stop the rise in gas price, if wanted to support Ukraine and US people.
Did that in the mid 1970s. Gas stations had no gas. Pick your poison of a free market economy or a controlled socialistic economy.
I'm not sure about that. I remember having issues getting fuel. But father of a friend was pretty high up in management of a refinery blamed the laid off workers on the fact that oil was not coming in because of the embargo. I don't recall congress calling for sanctions against oil companies making things worse.
I don't understand why Government of people, by the people
for the people any posable government action that might benefit people that work for money, instead of people who's money works for them must be called evil.