JRscooby wrote:
Do I understand this right? We can't limit the chance for profit for investors, even short term? Even if we limit that profit at historically high levels? But it is fine to charge working people unlimited amount for what for most is a necessity?
Not to play tinfoil hat paranoid but what you describe is pretty much a socialist/communist system. The govt decides the winners & losers and decides what is produced and in what quantity.
The problem is human nature. Once you hand those controls over to a govt bureaucrat, its' almost impossible to take them away...and they will keep finding more and more reason to use them. Look at the TSA, supposedly short term but still going strong and expanding 20yrs later.
Look at Venezuela, they decided bakers were making too much, so they mandated price caps, so people could afford to buy bread. It resulted in not only the opposite but the opposite in the worst possible way. Bakers simply stopped making bread or they made small amounts secretly and sold it at higher prices on the black market...the result was finding bread at the govt mandated price was near impossible. Many did without and others paid far higher prices.
Of course, a lot of the issue is govts induced. It's been made very clear that the govt is against the petroleum industry, so even with high prices currently, there is little incentive to invest in new wells that could be mandated out of use in a year or two...basically it's a poor risk even if it looks profitable today.
But bottom line, Do you really think the govt can accurately assess the correct and fair price for petroleum products? I sure don't trust them.