We Cant Wait wrote:
Bought a new TT and didn't have time to change the Batwing to the Jack antenna before first trip. Got to campground and could not receive any stations so as to be able to watch TV on the Batwing. Climbed up on the roof and changed over to the Jack antenna. I then got 5-6 stations clear and strong with NO break up of signal. I'd go with the Jack even though some report shows different on a bench test, real life use is what counts.
Even though new, you have/ had issues with the Batwing because its simply a better antenna all the way around. What it is that breaks internally in the Batwing I dont know, but these posts come up every so often where the Jack picks up stations the Batwing does not (and its rare). There is a significant enough difference in performance between these two antennas when working that something has to be wrong.
BTW- That test was NOT done on a bench. It was in an RV looking at real life signals off air. And that was clearly stated on the comparison.