Forum Discussion

exhaustipated's avatar
Feb 18, 2014

Jack Digital HDTV Antenna

Does anyone on this Forum have a Jack Digital HDTV Antenna/w built in signal meter on their rig? If you do, then how do you like it? Do you get quality reception from it? The reason I'm asking is that I would like to replace my current Antenna Tek Mod 500 to a Jack Digital HDTV Antenna. My current antenna does not pick up TV signals very well and the reception is often lousy. I know a lot of you don't watch TV that much but the wife thinks she has to have it on before she goes to sleep at night. Thanks for any feedback.
  • Jack Digital HDTV Antenna was a replacement for my old Batwing model.
    It works very well.

    The signal meter is an option, at least when I bought mine.
    The LEDs light up as a signal is stronger and go out as
    the signal gets weaker. It makes finding a good signal very easy.
  • My 2011 camper had a Jensen and it was useless. Tried sensar 4 with batwing and jack antenna from same location at dealer. The Sensar with batwing did much better on receiving channels.
  • Jack vs. Batwing review

    If the Jack works better than the Batwing on any band, then the Batwing is broken. Having said that, I get the desire to replace the rather large Batwing on a rather small TC roof. Just be aware that the Jack is not at the top of the performance pile, and you TC guys pride yourselves at REALLY getting out there.... (I follow the adventures..)
  • I can't tell you much about the antenna, but I CAN tell you exhaustipated has a really sweet TC!!

  • I've had one for years. On the UHF Band (Ch 14 up to 69) reception is quite Good. But on the VHF Band (7 through 13) it isn't so great. somtimes will even pick up lower channels better from the back.

    But given the small size I am happy with it and you don't need to worry if you cranked it down or not :)
  • iwon415 - I was wondering about that myself. I've never had too much trouble before except on a couple of occasions where a limb knocked off my rain spout extender.
  • I'm seeing these on more and more new campers and wonder about them sticking up all the time. Only slightly lower than the airconditioner, are they just one more thing for tree limbs to aim for?
  • We added one to our truck camper when we had it and we were very pleased with the performance. But we did not have any other antenna to compare it to. Good luck Bob
  • Jack came standard on my 2012 Winnebago, works much better than the old bat wing but I can not say it pulls in more stations but they seem to be better quality