Way back in the early 60's, I had a junk drawer in the built in buffet, when we moved to the new house in '75 the junk drawer went too. It is still in a box in the rafters of the garage and yes, I do climb up there and get it out for things you can't buy today.
When we bought the MoHo I started putting things in little spaces for future use, your right I couldn't remember where I had put them when I needed them.
Solution is no junk drawer, several junk Ziploc bags. I have so much storage in the Bounder I have an Emergency/Jerry Rig bag, it contains fuses, a few screws, some crimp fittings and lightbulbs, a storage tub with oil, extra filters, the Onan filter wrench, and one with DIY stuff for future or in progress projects. Of course there is the bag of Velcro, etc.
There is a four way screwdriver that I swore was useless until my brother gave me one and now is readily available and two wrenches one for the TV cabes and one that was my battery disconnect switch before I rewired and added the switch and a solar battery minder.
I am notorious for miss placing and losing keys or driving out to the storage lot without them,so, I mounted a spare cabinet key with a machine screw and wing nut(slathered in anti-sieze) In one of the basement cabinets is a set of keys for the RV, and one each for the two toweds.
Maybe excessive but after losing so many keys and buying so many screws, Velcro strips and light bulbs because the original, it good insurance for my '70 something absentmindedness prone brain.