Huntindog wrote:
newman fulltimer wrote:
check the fuse at the battery probably blew it
Maybe. But there is another problem, or she could manually crank it. Something is froze, or stripped in the motor or gears.... That would cause the fuse to blow, but replacing it will just result in another blown fuse. When a fuse blows, it does so for a reason. Gotta find the cause and correct it.... In this case, it probably means a new jack. Fixing this if not under warranty will likely be too difficult and/or expensive. Jacks are pretty cheap,(even the best ones) and just about anyone can easily swap one out.
This is exactly what my mechanic said on the phone. If it was just a blown fuse, I would be able to manually crank it. He'll be out on Wed to take a look. (The warranty was up a year ago.)
I love my rolling studio apartment. It's set up so that I am comfy in the places I like to camp. I'm willing to keep up repairs on the trailer and my trusty truck so that I can keep rolling. With any luck, I'm pulling her all over Wyoming next year.