gdhillard wrote:
Lots of wisdom here, as usual. I would add that learning to be happy without spending a lot is often easier than earning and saving more. Get out of debt, buy what little you actually need used, and shoot for humble and functional rather than shiny and fancy. I got "retired" by my last evil boss, and I decided that I had had enough, and would shift over to living low on the hog, and not go back to work. I'd rather have the time than the money, at this point in life.
I can relate.
Worked rotating 12 hr shifts in power plants
Due to 'deregulation' the power plants were sold to 'outsiders'
Company had 2 yr. contract to operate/maintain. At end of contract 'outsiders' decided THEY would do it except they didn't have any employees.
My company didn't have any job for us cause they no longer had power plants. Fortunately I had enough company time to take 'early retirement' package. Others were just unemployed.
Then I went to work for the 'outsiders'
That lasted 2 years until I QUIT ----2 yrs of undermanning, 2 yrs of non-qualified employees (No training provided) 2 yrs. of hassling with management over safety issues'
QUIT Friday morning at 10AM........RETIRED at 9AM Monday morning after speaking with my Investment Guru.
2 Months short of 50th birthday. 12 1/2 yrs ago and best thing I did :B
Monthly bills.when you sit down to pay them ONE of them should be TO yourself. Each and every month like a regular bill PLUS invest as much as possible.
I invested 18% plus companies 6% and lived on take home pay. PLUS stayed debt free. Built credit (cause you HAVE to have it) by using CCs then paying them off. No balances unless 'emergency' then pay it off ASAP. Hate paying interest to someone other than myself!
AS for the Dali Lama and his outlook
EASY when someone else is footing the bill.
Harder to do when YOU are the one going to work day in day out and being the one responsible.