Looks like you have a new front DS already. Now they'll match!
What kind of truck?
If it has a 2 piece rear DS, then a 1 piece shaft is a nice upgrade. Or by the same token, if it's a 2 piece that is commonly upgraded, used 2 piece Shafts are CHEAP. Tried to get $75 for mine, only needed 1 u joint techically. Ended up tossing it in the dump.
Sorry to hear about this, but if the damage is limited to the driveline, output shaft and the missing snout on the case and that other rear piece that looks split, then you got off easy.
My advice though, would be to just put a used t case and driveshaft in it. I've snapped a couple input or output shafts back in the day and just pulling and replacing the t case is an easy 2 hour job and likely cheaper than a rebuilding.
And if it's a GM with the pump rub problem, address that whichever way you go.