When we stop allowing the idiots to vote. Its funny... people that think they are too stupid to decide how to spend their money vote for a certain party.
People that think they should be allowed to spend their money that they earned on something that they want tend to vote for a different party.
As long as more people vote that think they are too stupid to self-regulate (what truck can you buy and drive...) and too stupid to invest and spend their own money (social programs, social security, mandatory healthcare, etc), then we will continue to have government telling us what we can drive, where we can drive it, how we can drive it, who can drive it and when we can drive it.
Yup! And to think government
could be spending time trying to combat poverty, hunger, clean water issues, diseases, etc. instead of telling people what trucks they can drive. How do people drive U-Haul trucks in Manitoba that are rated much higher than 11,000 pounds? And it would be interesting to see where the data is that suggests that drivers of F350/3500's need medical and special insurance/ licenses to be safe.