The install looks great Mitch. On the subject of this kind of "helper", I installed Sumo Springs ( urethane "towers" that fit between the axle and frame ) under my Frontier. I set them up so they have just a very slight air gap with the truck unloaded. Set that way it has essentially a stock ride empty, but they come into play as soon as the suspension begins to stroke into it's travel.
Prior to them, I had about 2.0" ( travel trailer ) to 2.5" ( horse trailer ) of sag once the WD was all hooked up. With them I now have about 1" of sag.
I did have to reset the height of my hitch head to return the trailers to level, so I made another couple trips to the CAT scale to re-dial everything. My bet is you are going to have to reset your hitch.
Very happy with the Sumos. Looking fwd to your review of your install once you've towed some with it.
I also installed a Hellwig anti roll bar and B-stein 5100's under the back several years ago. A definite improvement in handling both empty and loaded.