scottsnider wrote:
I was wondering how all of you keep warm in the hybrid trailer in the colder weather, I don't have the original foam mattress but just have air mattress. I use a mover blanket under it and a blanket and then sheet on the air mattress then blankets on us. Thinking of getting those pop-gizmos for the roof the the tent parts as I am told that will help, So I wanted to hear from you how you keep warm in this colder weather time of year????
none of the answers so far, are from hybrid owners.
Yes, popup gizmos will help. also Reflectix in the tent windows will help.
if you had the typical heated mattresses that come with hybrids, you really could stay warm, IF you had electric hookups. also a ceramic heater helps supplement the furnace, again IF you have hookups.
Popup Gizmos also sell a Reflectix-like wrap around that surrounds the tent sides with insulation.
we camped in snow with our hybrid but we had PUGs, Reflectix and heated mattresses.