Don't know about the hybrids but the POPUPS tent bed areas don't seal off very good where the fabric meets the wood floor. We always stuffed those 2X2x30 inch foam strips that come with home window units. Use four of five of them stuffed around the whole floor area to seal off the air gaps...
I also put down down carpet squares on the wood floor as well. That also helped alot.. We too use the low wattage Electric blanket on top of us just below the top cover.
On our POPUP it was also really poor designed where the floor pulls out and the gasket there was a small flimsy one. You could look through where the bed floor is when pulled out and usually see daylight. I purchased a very sturdy seal that went over the whole wall areas where the floor slides out and it works great. Hopefully the Hybrid fold down door doesn't have this problem...
We never had much luck with the air mattress setups. Ours would lose pressure as the cool night comes on and outside air pressure changes.. Always had us laying sunk down into the air mattress by morning haha.. I have the OEM thin mattress with a three-inch foam top. The foam mattress and pillows has a down-side too being when it gets down to freezing they get hard as a rock haha... have wok up a couple of mornings over the yaers where it got down to freezing I guess as we are laying in a hard depression hole we made laying on the mattress - kinda weird feeling haha... Pillows also hard as a rock...
Being avid tent campers from the 50s-60s era we don't mind the bed areas to be alttle cool... Feels good to us...
Makes the first cup of fresh gound bean coffee sitting around the morning bon-fire taste so good hehe...
Roy Ken