Forum Discussion

A390GT's avatar
Jun 14, 2017

kids and camper doors.

Anyone here have any solutions/ mods for smaller kids (6and7) getting into the camper without falling down the steps?

i have two smaller guys that like to open the door by themselves, They have to climb to the top of 3 steps to operate the latch but when the door opens it knocks them down or pins them as they try to duck under as it swings openr

I dont think they ever planned for kids operating these doors....

Thanks for the help,


i have a 2016 whitehawk MBH24
  • I think the main issue with some campers doors is that instead of a closure that pulls the door closed the hydraulic cylinder pushes the main door open. Mine opens with enough force to knock a small child.
  • APT wrote:
    3 steps - isn't far to fall if they do. Let them figure it out.

    I bought my TT when youngest juts turned 1. He will be 8 in 2 weeks. 1-3 years old I might be concerned with the problem stated. 6-7? Nah.

    My kids, and grand kids have been opening screen doors all their lives, all kind of doors. Camper doors, house doors, building doors. All of them open out. None of them have fallen because the doors open out. they have to step back to open every one of them. Lets face it. screen doors open out. Just a fact of life. Better learn how to open them now. I don't see it changing any time soon.
  • A piece of good cord attached to the handle really helps. If the latch is on the inside, bore a small hole to thread it to the outside, then attach a small knob to the end.
  • I used paracord as well. Drilled through the handle on the screen door to attach it and it hangs down where they don't need to get on the steps to pull it. It attaches to an existing screw on the bottom of the door so it doesn't flap around.
  • When my son was little I added about a 2' piece of paracord to the door handle so that he could open it before getting too close. He would just grab it when he first got on the steps and then open the door. Just need to be careful they are pulling down more than out but we had it like this for a couple of years with no problems.
  • If anyone comes up with a better solution, I'd appreciate it too. Other than adding a platform, shoot... even I don't like climbing steps and then backing off just to open the door. Not so bad on a level surface, but when parked at some unlevel sites where there's a foot distance between the bottom of the bottom step and the ground, yea ... it's like being 4 years old all over again.

    I have a 4 year old grandson that lives with us. And he can reach the handle and open the door, but then hasn't learned to let go. Yes, he's gotten into some pretty precarious situations.
  • APT wrote:
    ...... Let them figure it out........

    That is what we would do, at least the first time I would show them how to open the door, then step down while holding the door edge, then swing it open far enough to allow them to step back up, then how to close it.

    Or if the rig is at a more permanent site, I may build steps and level landing at the door swing.
  • 3 steps - isn't far to fall if they do. Let them figure it out.

    I bought my TT when youngest juts turned 1. He will be 8 in 2 weeks. 1-3 years old I might be concerned with the problem stated. 6-7? Nah.
  • How about one of the small folding platforms or maybe a stepstool? just set it to the side so they can stand on it to unlatch the door.