Forum Discussion

VTR's avatar
Jan 06, 2015

KZ Escape 2013 with metal roof

I keep up on the roof posts but they do not seem to apply to me. Seems no one is using metal anymore. I guess its metal. How come they used this, big cost cutting way to go or?
You can school me on metal roofs if you want. Should I do anything to the roof? What should I be aware of? It is awfully ugly by the way, but no one see's it.
Anybody else with a newer TT that has a metal roof?
  • I have indeed used some Dicor on the front end, looked like it needed it. Keeping an eye on it. Feel good it is indeed a one piece, just checked the inside for any wetness around the ceiling. Plan to inspect the sealent as soon as the weather allows. The only area I have not checked is the sealent around the vents. I have basic Camco on, to lazy to take them off. I am hoping the overhang of the Camco vent cover helps. I hope anyway.
  • I remember a metal roof in my PU - it was loud in the rain!
  • In the beginning some of our camping trailers used galvanized steel for roofing and siding.

    Then came crimped seamed aluminum in large rolls.

    Then more modern times came rolls of aluminum with no crimps or seams.

    And finally to the much more modern less maintenance non metal roof materials we have today.

    The biggest down side metal roofs and aluminum in particular is daily growing and shrinking from heat and cold. This causes stress in areas where it is screwed down to the roof. Stressed areas can be hard on sealants from roof material constantly stretching and shrinking = more maintenance issues.

    I had a good part time business going when the rv and mobilehome industry used all aluminum roof material. Rubber and vinyl materials on the roof had less issues which lead to less customers annually.
  • I would prefer a one piece metal roof over rubber roofs any time. Assuming they are sealed correctly at the edges, they are much more durable.

    Keep up with any of the caulk - of course, you are supposed to do that with other roofs too. :-)
  • Mine (2011 model) started to leak at 3.5 years of age. It was ugly also... I know what you mean. Keep an eye on that caulk around the edges.
  • I liked my metal roofs on trailers.They are not that noisy.Trust a one piece more than a rubber roof.Sunlight doesn't kill them.And easier to fix if you need to.
  • KZ afaik uses a single sheet of aluminum for their roofs. aluminum does not rust (much), nor will it be degraded by UV or the elements unlike fiberglass or rubber... noisy in the rain? not so much - but don't park under a nut tree of any kind, in a quiet campground, it sounds like gunshots inside as those nuts impact the roof.

    I'm very happy with my metal roofed KZ
  • Most mfrs stopped using metal roofs because they are so noisy in the rain.