I'm a long, long way from being any kind of an expert on propane and it's tanks, but somewhat related to the OP's question:
An issue I've always wondered about is the performance of propane appliances when fed by a vertical propane tank of X gallon capacity versus a horizontal propane tank of the same X gallon capacity. I think I read somewhere that there might be an issue related to the amount of surface area of the liquid in a propane tank having some affect on the amount of propane in gaseous form being available from that liquid propane.
Wouldn't a horizontal tank have, on average, have more liquid surface area exposed than a vertical tank? And if so, which would most reliably power propane appliances at various altitudes and at various outside temperatures?
I'd like some real expert explanations on which is best for optimum propane gas delivery day-in and day-out ... a horizontal tank or a vertical tank.
Thanks in advance.