Forum Discussion

Oasisbob's avatar
Aug 30, 2017


My son & I just bought a used SIX PAC truck camper for his Ford Ranger. The LP tank is a single #20 layed on it's side. Is a tank laid on it's side different from a standard vertical tank like on my HTT? Is is required to be inspected as with other tanks? Thanks
  • Sometimes the propane cylinder is known as a bottle.

    Personally, I prefer to use care when speaking in absolutes. I bet you would be understood if you used tank, cylinder or bottle when referring to the RV type propane tanks. I usually think of the small (1 lb) containers as bottles, and residential/commercial containers as tanks. For the RV type containers, the most common term I hear is tank. I don't recall hearing the term cylinder being used.
  • It is not a bottle, but cylinder.
    Tanks are those big things that are bolted to RV frame and have the big fill up valves that can load 30 gallons in just couple of minutes.
    Also those you see in front of the house are tanks as well.
    Tanks don't require any certification and as long as those 50 years old look good, the service will fill them.
    Anything that can and needs to be removed for fill is a cylinder.
    Cylinders need certifications every few years and have self-closing valve that prevents overfilling.
    I think forklift cylinders fall between.
  • One of my good friends is a propane supplier and every time I call my propane tank a tank, I get corrected. It's actually called a bottle, not a
  • Oasisbob, there is a difference between TANKS & CYLINDARS. Your son most likely has a cylindar and thet do require inspection. Tanks are ASME designed and certified and do not fall under the 12 year rule.

    No question, that is a fact!

    He would be better off going to a Puropane Dealer and have it loòked, they can te care of identifying and if necessary, recertify cylindars.

    Don't go to an RV dealer!!!!, go to a propane dealer.
  • I just took mine into the local propane dealer for re~certification today. He said the newer laydown tanks are filled vertically but the older, like mine (1990), are filled horizontally. It was on a tag on the tank. I don't remember what exactly he said, but the horizontal tanks are exempt from something. Something to do with the new valves and auto shut off, I think.

    Both tanks had and have a certification sticker with the date where the propane dealers and the owner can clearly see it.
  • Yes the rules apply, I just had to have mine certified. When you go to have them filled they need to be filled while the tank is vertical not horizontal.
  • Only issue with lay down tanks is, they aren't exchangeable. My Lance had twin lay down tanks.
  • No, the 12 year thing is for DOT tanks.
    But some fillers don't understand the