I had a 990 truck camper and now an 1880 (non slide) travel trailer. While of good quality, I don't think the trailers are made to the same quality standards as the truck campers. My trailer is a first year model, from when lance first started producing trailers so my experience may be with a trailer that had some bugs that have been fixed in subsequent years. The dinette was screwed into the thin ply floor with wood screws that mostly pulled out. Because the fresh water tank is directly underneath, I can't use longer/bigger screws or through bolt the dinette without a lot of extra work dropping that tank. Also the roof is flat, not crowned. There have been no leaks so far however I understand a crowned roof to be more desirable in an RV.
That said, I love the trailer a lot. It is well insulated, light to tow, and has the amenities I really appreciate now that I am older. It's also comfortable inside. I've camped in 113 degree weather and the trailer got up to 82, while using reflectix on the windows. I was very happy.
Out of the 3 you listed, I would stay away from the 1575 due to the smaller fresh water tank. I boondock almost exclusively so I would like even the 30 gallon tank in my 1880 to be bigger.