check out weights in the links...also check with Billtex . He researched this 855s vs EC and found some interesting info that you might be interested in.
When you load any tc into a truck, the rear axle carries most of the weight . I think the tires will be the limiting factor but a SRW 350 might be able to feel comfy carrying it . 855S: dry weight, 2,620 pounds + 30 gallons fresh, 250.2 pounds + 6 gallon full hot water heater, 50 pounds + 2x 20-pound full propane tanks, 40 pounds + 2 batteries, 130 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 3,590.2 pounds"
***dry weights do not incl. ANY mfg. options, ac,awnings etc .
(bobndot , my lance options w/o a/c are almost 500# , my non slide lance 845 is more than 3500# . 3600-3900# expect the 855s to be over 4000# )