I would think a F250 with the AF811S would be very overloaded?? With the Lance 850S and 1000 lbs est. cargo and water/fuel, I would still be under the GVWR on paper, and right at the limit with the NEW 850 by EC, They say they are making them 300 lbs lighter this year.
Air bags stabilize but do nothing for loading, so I am weighing that against their added weight. no pun intended...
Any thoughts?
Bedlam wrote:
We chose the Arctic Fox 811 over the Lance 855S and the Adventurer 86SBS was close behind our AF pick. The Eagle Cap 850 was not available in our area to compare to our choice, but it produced by the same company as Adventurer and I suspect quality will be similar.
I'm not sure if you will find a slide model that will not take you over GVWR once you are loaded up for camping. Depending on the OEM wheel package, you should be safe if you have the higher capacity OEM's as long as you do not tow a trailer with a heavy tongue weight. Expect to do some suspension modifications regardless of the TC you choose.
If you boondock, a driver side awning would be nice, but it is impractical when connected to utilities. A curb side awning would be more useful in varying situations. We like the rear awning since it rains often where we live and allows a covered area in front of the door.
I prefer the slide on the curb side so that you can pull off the road and extend the slide without it deploying into traffic, but that will depend on where and how you plan to travel.