SugarHillCTD wrote:
Super_Dave wrote:
As an EC 850 owner, I can say that everything else being equal, I would pick the EC over the Lance for skin and end cap design. The driver side awning was a huge waste of my money.
As a Lance 855s owner, I agree with Super Dave- I would buy the EC 850.
Not because of any problems with our Lance but because the EC has a better bathroom layout and more interior storage.
Ask Billtex- he is on this forum and decided on the EC 850 vs. the 855s
Thanks for the intro John!
Just rolled back in last night from a couple of weeks on the road; Acadia NP, Down East Maine, Canada...great hiking/biking/kayaking and lobster!
EC 850 has been great!
Jim; PM me and I will give you the whole story about our decision process...