Couple of months????? Lol, I’m hoping to have it back together by May but I’m not overly optimistic at this point. I decided from the beginning not to get hung up on a finish date. I am fortunate to have a little experience in most of the areas, but I am nowhere near proficient in any of them so I’m open to any and all the help I can get. I agree with keeping everything intact, not easy at times. I tend to enjoy the demolition part of any project I do, getting the frustrations out, but I know I will need the patterns to rebuild it. I did get a complete set of blueprints from Lance, those will be invaluable with this project.
The pole bard will make a huge difference this winter, it doesn’t get to cold here in Ga but it did drop down to the high 20’s last weekend but keeping the wind off and keeping moving I managed to stay fairly warm. I still keep the camper itself tarped, just in case.