Forum Discussion

SS_Sean's avatar
Oct 19, 2019

Lance Camper charging system

Ive got a 2008 lance 1181. When I plug the camper to shore power over the winter does that trickle charge the batteries and keep them topped off for the winter? I killed two deep cycle batteries over last winter and spring by not attending to them. I got so busy with work and a move across state some of my maintenance suffered. I want to ensure this next pair will live a happy long life...
  • OK so post the converter model number and measure the battery voltage for best answers.
    Otherwise in general you can leave the camper plugged in 24/7 and the battery will be maintained just fine.
  • Ok. Yes. I know i can put them on my battery tenders but sasnt sure if the camper actually had a trickle charger. Yes, they were only 2 years old. I fried them y not paying attention. I ended up working 874 hours of o.t. if you can believe it. Lol...
  • Yes, if you are plugged in, the batteries should stay charged. You can also remove the batteries and maintain them with a battery tender or similar. Also, keep in mind that batteries don’t last forever.