So true that RV furnaces do not work like Rollin described and note he reference to an automotive heater which uses engine heated water etc liquids. Not chance of fire as the liquid is around 200 degrees which is a mere fraction of burning fuel flames. We ARE talking about RV furnaces and propane burning flames as that's what this thread is about. It would be unlawful and never pass muster and there'd fire after fire if the blower fan wasn't first in RV's.
However, home furnaces can and most modern ones do work different as they have TWO fans in the furnace system. The combustion chamber blower small fan and the big blower fan to distribute the heated air. The small combustion chamber fan comes on first after the "call for heat" signal comes from the thermostat and forces any raw gas fumes out of the combustion chamber. After a preset timed delay, the gas valve opens and the igniter is activated. POOF! The burning flame heats the chamber and the plenum to a preset temp or period of preset time and then the big blower starts up to deliver the heated air. When the thermostat setting is reached, the gas valve closes and the flame goes out. The big blower fan continues until the plenum temp lowers to the preset temp (some use time) and then it shuts off.
Wood type stoves may or does have a heat activated sensor that turns on the blower after the unit's heat is sensed to be high enough.
Different animals and they require different controls and operation's sequences.