Old-Biscuit wrote:
69 Avion wrote:
I have horizontal tanks in my 69' Avion camper. My local propane dealer certified them, knowing full well that they are not DOT tanks, but ASME tanks. He did it so I wouldn't have a hard time filling them.
If 'permanently' mounted....YES
IF removable.........NO
NFPA 58, 2001 Edition
You could read NFPA 58 until you are blue in the face and never come to a final conclusion . Every other sentence contradicts the one before . My state Fire Marshals office could not give me a definitive answer as to the recertification requirements of ASME removable tanks . If they can't figure it out how is the poor guy at the end of a propane hose suppose to . I have one local fill station that will fill them and one that won't .