Bougth 3 new Lance TC (ordered new) since 1993 and not one had any repairs needed or done to the TC itself, Lance's part. No leaks either and none were ever re-caulked. The one repair done to a screwed on component was when the furnace blower sealed bearing lube got dry and started squealing on our Lance Legend 990 big over 11' floor length camper. This happened last Fall in November after the blower running for about 2+ weeks straight with an empty 30# propane tank and the other tank closed.
Still don't know how the thermostat got pushed all the way to as high as it goes and why I forgot to be sure the bottom on/off switch was in the off position before locking the door and leaving it. Therefore, the blower just kept on running after the propane was gone and when I went near the TC in the backyard, I heard the squealing and found the reason why. Hard to blame that on Lance but it's the only repair we've done to any of them. Absolutely love our Lances. We got top dollars (higher than bluebook by quite a bit) for two of ours when we sold them as they still looked new inside and out.
Still have the 3rd and have no plans to sell it either. Thought strongly a couple years ago about ordering a new one with a slide but why since we are so happy with the Lance we have and it's in mint condition and everything works fine. Besides, our kids want it if we ere to get a new one and there's 2 kids but only one TC so who gets it?