mogman wrote:
NewTTcamper wrote:
My husband I looked at the trailers as we bought a new Lance camper in 1996. Lance was great quality back then and the new ones look nice. However, my husband did not like the way the axle was built. It was not a standard set up. He's been around the block when it comes to vehicles and such. He walked away because of this issue. Anyone else notice this?
I bought my Lance because of this very reason.
Torqflex axles= 4 wheel independent suspension, ride is very smooth, no springs to break, no plastic bushings to wear out quickly.
Plus, I was, and still am, very impressed with the way the interior is constructed. Mine has had two trips across the U.S. to Florida, two trips to Southern Ca.,(a lot of the highways are less than smooth) numerous local(ish) trips, nothing has fallen off, nothing is loose, other than the original cr*p tires it's been and continues to be a great trailer.
I also changed the mattress, but that seems to be an industry-wide issue.
I found the lance a bit sloppier on interior finishing than the Northwood I eventually ended up buying, but I was down to one of those 2 brands simply because of the frames. I RV mainly in Mexico, the land of Topes.
My main complaint was no HDMI cable between the TV & DVD player (opposite wall), they used an A/V cable which picks up interference from florescence lighting (I stay in Wal marts a lot). Fortunately my brother is a telephone man and with his arsenal of magnets & glow rods & fish tapes, we managed to fish an HDMI cable over. It was not easy.