mrbreeze az wrote:
mrbreeze az wrote:
98coachman wrote:
A friend of mine had this exact thing happen. The 12 volt cord he purchased was too small and had to much resistance to make the tv work properly. He picked up a heavy duty 12 volt cord and end of problem. You may also try to shorten your cord as short as possible first to see if that helps.
Good luck, Bill
I am thinking this is the problem. I am trying to find out what cord will work. Is it 6 amp vs 3 amp? I thought I bought a 6 amp cord but maybe a 3 amp. It doesn't say on the cord.
Can you find out what cord he bought? Thanks
I'm not sure, but fairly short and heavy leads, so no line loss, I think I would try shortening your cord you have first, but I will check with him and let you know. Radio shack may be your friend:).