I just finished replacing the bulbs in my TT with LEDs. There are two main areas of concern.
Light color in degrees Kelvin,
• Very bright bluish tint almost harsh according to my DW.
• Natural bright and still a bit more bluish that incandescent.
• Warm, I have never seen these so I cannot comment.
Number of segments, or the number of LEDs per bulb.
• The 24 segments I bought were about the same brightness as the incandescent but bluish in color.
• The 48 segment were a bit brighter but still bluish.
• I bought two super bright LEDs that I believe are 68 segments for an overhead light. They are bright and reminiscent of a florescent kitchen light.
Brightness and color are very subjective, nor can I say that all LED segments are the same size and/or Kelvin rating. I simply guessed at what I wanted. They are all corn cob style light with bases to fit the appications.
What I can say is they is they are rather inexpensive on eBay, so for about $25.00 or $30.00 I ended up with 22 bulbs of different brightness.
I also ran the TV while I changes bulbs and had no interference. I did not try the AM radio.
I hope this helps