It could be your LEGEND TV set is really a legend ANALOG type TV.
Todays TVs all need to be able to operate from the DIGITAL HDTV signals from the Natl Broadcast system which changed over from Analog to Digital back in 2009 I think it was...
I changed out all of my old and heavy TV sets in 2009 with el-cheapo VIZIO brands from WALMART when the change-over happened...
Borrow a Digital type TV from the house and try it out in the trailer setup...
Run a long piece of RG cable from the outside connection bypassing all of the inside cables to get it working first then start swapping out things working your way back to the CABLE TV connection on the trailer. Who knows how the things are all wired up or what previous owners may have done to them if it is a pre-owned trailer setup
There is also an issue with the TV WALL PLATE push button that works with the roof mounted antenna and CABLE TV port. The push button has to be OFF if you are connected the CABLE TV port...
This simplified pictorial might be helpful for you...

Google Image
Also be mindful that you have to go to the TV MENU and do the search for digital TV signals using the CABLE or ANTENNA mode at every location you setup at using the trailer. Alot of camp grounds still have the ANALOG signals being used with the CABLE TV hookups. The modern day TV scans for both type signals...
Roy Ken