For those who refer to the actual box size, I'm just curious? How do you determine the "box" size. Sometimes (and more than not), the actual square footage of the "box" (length on the floor) is shorter than 4 feet high, because of curved fronts. And almost all of them, the actual ceiling length inside can be as much as 2 feet shorter than the floor. If your camper has a > shaped front or a \ shaped front, where exactly is the "length" coming from? And, if you have a closet across the front, where do you start the measurement?
Another thing, although not as common? What is the "box length" of a V nose shaped camper? Tip of the nose to the very back wall, or begin at the spot where the tongue attaches to the main box?
I'm not trying to be mean spirited here, I'm just asking, where does the "box" measure at?
My Springdale had the > type of front. The roof was shorter than the floor. My Outback actually has a ) shaped front. I have no clue where to measure from on the front cap. That's why I always use the true length, from bumper to bumper.
Just wondering, how do you do it (box size)?