spud1957 wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
I have been saying this for years and always get the "that's not what I see around here" comment. I just recently saw a very nice looking F450 car hauler in PalmSprings but that was the first one since leaving NW WA a couple months ago. Every single car/RV hauler this trip was a RAM.
RAM has always been #1 then ford then GM but in recent years the GM is behind RAM and the Fords are now WAY behind. These are independently owned haulers.
Heck they can't seem to find a Ford to haul to the ford dealers.
And of course you have a link/reference to these sales numbers to back this right?
HD Pickup sales mid-year
Based on these numbers, it's just about mathematically impossible for Ram over Ford. And even less possible for GM to be ahead of Ford.
Again Mr. Cummins, I'll will recant my comments when you can prove your stats.
Give me a break!!! What is used in hauling RV's and cars' etc has NOTHING to do with sales figures.
You need to read what I said not what you think I said!