Reddog1 wrote:
narcodog wrote:
So what does the typical 100 watt system cost?
I have not shopped for solar for a while, and the cost of solar does fluctuate quite a bit. When I bought the parts for my 130 watt system in about 2005 or 2006, a good rule of thumb was $5 per watt. I think this is for the panels only. The price is greatly influenced by not only the panels, but the quality of the controller and other components (controller, wire, mounting brackets and related parts). As I recall, my 130 watt system cost me between $800 and $1000. Each system is a little different.
I would like to point out that you can have one or more panels tied together. On a TC, there is very little real estate to locate panels, and sometimes two or more is better than just one panel. I will also point out with one panel, if you lose it (one cell shaded) you have no solar. With two or more, you only loose the one panel. You can add panels later, and can save money if you buy a controller that will accommodate the additions later.
Considering the OP has another Thread on solar, I do not want to hijack this Thread, so I will say no more here about solar.
After I posted this I saw the other thread. Thanks