Hawk, now the pix is visible!
Yeah, looks like the trailer tongue is riding a bit high.
Does not look like your hitch shank has any drop..
You need a hitch shank which has some more drop.
See if this pix works..

With the above hitch shank you can select a lower set of holes to bolt your WD hitch to which allows your trailer tongue to ride lower.
I would also tend to agree that using a level is not the best tool here since level is affected by the slope you are parked on.
A ruler/measuring tape would be a much better tool for the job.
Measure the frame of the trailer at the tongue and at the back of your trailer near the bumper.
Tongue should measure slightly lower than the frame near the bumper.
Also for post pictures on this forum you need to resize them so they are no larger than 600 pixels wide, larger than that and you have to scroll side to side..
A member of the forum put together a cool setup that is free to automatically resize and host any photo you want to post on this forum..
Just drag or drop the photo to the link below then once the photo has been uploaded to the hosting site you can simply copy the entire URL provided by the hosting site and paste into your post (it already includes the proper coding for photos)..
Simple and quick.
RV.net photo posting link