Jaxie wrote:
We currently have a Sportsmobile 2WD and are kicking around the idea of getting a 4WD vehicle. Not sure yet whether we want to go with another Sportsmobile or with a truck camper. (We currently have a Dodge 1500 and it's getting time to buy another. If we go the truck camper route we'd buy a 2500/3500).
My question is this, where do you have to "watch out" where you are going?
1. Branches and other overhead obstructions. If there are just a few you can trim them with a pole saw
2. Unusually narrow road areas or brush extending into the road, depending on how many scratches on your rig you're willing to tolerate
3. Mudholes longer than your wheelbase.
4. Fallen logs and similar obstructions, unless you're willing to saw them and clear them.
5. Potholes and uneven areas bad enough to pose a tipping hazard or that may cause the side of the camper to tilt into brush or other obstructions
6. If the rear of your TC overhangs the back of the truck then you're at risk for dragging the back of the camper when you hit a dip in a rutted road or when there is a sharp angle upward in the road.
7. Areas intended more for Jeeps than pickups may require a shorter turning radius than you can achieve
Be aware of the legal/political environment around you as nationwide the trend is towards closing roads to vehicles if they truly require 4wd for access.
Is it pretty easy to travel this way? I guess I look at all that overcab/height/weight in the back and wonder how it affects the truck handling etc.
The overall handling situation will depend on your rig. I find that tree branches are the main limitation. In the desert southwest it might be different.