Forum Discussion

delosholly's avatar
Jul 10, 2015

Livinlite roof alert?

We developed a problem with the roof on our model 10.0 Livinlite TC that I thought I would pass along. This might be unique to our rig, but you never know.

When we were camping last weekend over the 4th of July (AKA The Never ending Rain Weekend), we found water leaking into the bottom back corner of the wetbath. It was not from the plumbing system, but was from all the rain. So somehow rain water was getting in between the outside wall and the inside wall, dripping down to the bottom and coming in through a small hole in the caulking behind the toilet.

I finally got up on the roof yesterday and discovered a small hole in the aluminum roofing material. This hole is located at the far back corner of the TC, driver's side. There appears to be something under the aluminum roofing that is causing a small bump up into the roof. This has now worn a small hole in the roofing, thus allowing the rain water to enter. We are talking about a very small hole, but it is located where water collects before being able to make it over the caulking on the edge and off the roof.

It will be an easy fix with some Eternabond tape and a small piece of extra aluminum I have. I am adding the extra piece of aluminum just to make it harder for whatever it is from also rubbing through the tape.

Just wanted to alert other Livinlite owners, and I still LOVE my LivinLite TC's quality.

  • I am sorry for not having any pictures. The hole was so small I am not sure you would have seen anything of value.

    As an update: I used a large needle to probe into the hole to locate the object causing the bump-up. I did not find anything!! I probed 360 degrees around the inside of the hole and did not hit anything solid like a screw. I am wondering if the bump-up and the small hole we there all along and it took the huge amount of rain we had over the 4th to produce enough of a leak to be detected inside the shower area. So it will remain a mystery as to why we had that small hole in our roof.

    Anyways, it is all patched-up now. I sanded the area with 220 grit paper and placed one very small patch of Eternabond over the hole with a larger patch of Eternabond.
  • Wack it with a hammer to flatten it out then apply eternabond.
  • Jaxom wrote:
    Thanks for the heads-up.

    One more reason to love, Love, LOVE the all aluminum & composite construction!!!

    But a thumbs down on quality control to allow such a screw to slip by inspection. It is a shame, because an aluminum roof should be a 20 year maintenance free item (barring external damage).
  • Thanks for the heads-up.

    One more reason to love, Love, LOVE the all aluminum & composite construction!!!
  • I like the screw punching up through the under-roof theory, from BTP01:

    If you put Eternabond over this, could, if it is a screw point, eventually perforate the Eternabond?

    If this were me, I would apply a ~ 0.25 inch thick dab of a semi-flexible roof sealant over the perforation (something like Dicor roof caulking)...

    The "screw" (if it is that) may be impossible to reach, if it is inside the framing of the camper shell wall.
  • Good that it leaked in a way that you noticed it early. You cant inspect your RV too much when it comes to preventing water damage.
  • You might want to look inside and see if there is a screw in that location. sometimes they are too long and go through enough to do what you are describing. If so you could put in a shorter screw. If the problem is not corrected it will probably rub through the replacement patch and the Eterbond eventually. JMO