Gdetrailer wrote:
rlw999 wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
I am constantly amazed at the lengths that folks are willing to go to buy an ordinary common object like a RV..
One must ask themselves, "is this REALLY worth the hassle to get this one layout?"
Some people know what they want, and if they are going to spend $50K - $200K on it, they want what they want, not whatever happens to be local. Traveling half way across the country for something you're spending $100K on and might own for a decade seems reasonable.
Some folks like myself REFUSE to waste hard earned money on an extravagant purchase of a $50K-$200K depreciating asset like a RV..
Like I said, people want what they want. Some people can afford a $200K RV *and* retirement. Some may be willing to defer retirement to buy the RV. No one buys an RV because it's a good financial investment. $20K/year of depreciation is only a waste of money if you're not getting $20K/year of value out of it (and no one can determine that value except the owner)
And maybe people don't *need* a $200K RV, but there are certainly benefits to it -- those bells and whistles you don't want like slides, TV's and stereos and slides are things that some people *want*. Not everyone wants the same RV experience.
And the best thing about those $200K RV's is that in a few years I can buy it for $100K after someone's already eaten the initial depreciation and got most of the nagging warranty issues fixed.