Forum Discussion

Dream_Girl's avatar
Apr 28, 2015

Long distance trip - need your advice please

I always wanted to see the mountains, so I have decided that this year I will finally do it!

I live in Winnipeg, and the farthest I have ever drove was 4h (Ontario lakes)

Using Google Map, my trip will be about 1450km (900 miles) one way.... about 14h give or take without stopping (so 16.5h including small brakes I believe)

I have a wrangler 4dr and a small light pop-up (really easy to tow)
2 adults and 2 little ones (2&5)

Here is the question:
Should I split the trip 8h drive a day or just keep going?
I really don't want to lose 2 days (one on each way), but I will if is advised to.
